• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • Okay, so I’m still not knocked up.  We’re working through it, bought some books, going to the doctor, taking my temperature, etc etc, but what I need help with is… how the HELL do I stop thinking about it?!  It’s all well and good for people to say “Oh, just stop thinking about it and it’ll happen!”  (I also want to kick those people.)  But it’s freakin’ HARD to stop thinking about it.  Please?  Tell me how I can stop obsessing about this – it’s starting to make me really crazy.  I’m genuinely asking for some coping strategies or something that has helped any of you who may have been in a similar position… because I’m out of answers now and I’m tired of crying and being angry about it - but I’m having trouble seeing my way forward through the blur of tears.  In the meantime, I may have a glass of wine (or 3.)  (Have to search for that silver lining.)


    Megan said...

    I wish I had tips. I am really sorry you are going through this. The doctor should be able to find out what the problem is, and you'll be able to make a plan about how to deal with it.

    I know this is small comfort.

    Tina said...

    I was in the same boat. It is maddening. What we did? We locked the doors, turned off the phone and stayed home all weekend on a mini vacation in our house. We ordered food in, spent hours and hours in bed and never got dressed. It was awesome. Just to be together without anyone bothering you. No, its not a solution but it puts things in perspective. And its super relaxing. Just make sure everyone knows you will not be answering the phone or the door all weekend, and have all you need on friday. Then lock the door and have loads of fun.

    Anonymous said...

    make sure your partner gets tested too, many issues are male

    plan something fun & distracting for the next time you ovulate, white water rafting, zip lining, etc. follow it with drinks and dancing then spend a couple of days in bed with your partner ;) forget your worries & have A LOT of fun!

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks guys - off to the doc tomorrow... have found out via ultrasound that my ovaries are borderline polycystic and a whole bunch of other things are starting to make sense now... I imagine the doc will put me on some meds and my dear man will be getting tested in the next couple of weeks. He's been amazing and patient and I'm so in love with him!

    Have plans the next 'big' weekend, but we're staying at a friend's place and I don't think she'd appreciate us staying locked in the room all weekend and making our baby in their guest room!! :)

    You guys rock, you really do. Thank GOD for this blog.


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