Today, I was driving home from work. I work in a pretty posh area of the city, so there are a lot of expensive cars in the area. I glanced in the rear-view mirror of my humble little hatchback and saw a lovely new Volvo behind me. In this Volvo was a man. He was digging around in his nose. He was really going for it. Then I watched said man eat what he found. Dear drivers – just because you are in your (expensive) car, you are not in a bubble of invisibility. I can see you picking your nose and eating your boogers (and delighting in it.) It is gross. Just because you think it looks like you are coughing and your finger fell into your mouth, it doesn’t. I know the truth, because I just watched you insert your finger in your nose, pretend to flick it, examine it and then ingest it. I see it every day with children that I teach – they do it the exact same way.
Sometimes, you gotta dig, but it must be pretty dire to have to do it in your car… and you must simply be starving if you feel that you must then eat it.
absolutely delighting in it!
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