• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • I'm a total bag of nerves. Butterflies in my stomach. Dry eyes and mouth. Sleepless nights. Lower sex drive. Constipation. Loss of appetite.

    I've got so much on the go. Important stuff. Life changing stuff. The anticipation, the waiting, the wondering, the hoping...it's a bit difficult to stay above it all.

    Answers are on the way. I just need to hang in there for 2 more weeks. Just 2 more weeks.


    Anonymous said...

    I am intrigued. Hang in there!

    Tina said...

    I am also. Keep us updated!

    Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

    Oh so intrigued!

    You can hang in there!

    Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

    Has it been two weeks yet? How are you doing?

    Anonymous said...

    Update: one change did not happen. Still waiting on one more. But since it's been so long, i doubt it will happen. Looks like not much is going to change after all. Living the excitement was fun. Sortof.


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