• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • I was getting ready for bed tonight when my mother-in-law showed up at the door to my house.

    She did not want to visit. She wanted to poop in my toilet.

    Am I just out of touch with society, or is this not quite normal?


    Anonymous said...

    Ummm... odd... while not the norm, maybe she was out and just couldn't wait anymore and just couldn't bring herself to do it in public? Maybe she knew you were off to bed and didn't want to bother you with pretending she wanted a cup of tea, when she really wanted something else!


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