• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • I have pretty much abandoned my blog. My real one. And I think I like it.

    I've posted almost nothing for weeks. I didn't feel like I had to. I was out, living in the world. And I liked it.

    I wonder if my blog is keeping me from actually experiencing things.


    Jackie S. Quire said...

    I've had that feeling lately too about my own blog. I stopped posting regularly a couple months ago... and only do so in spurts now.

    I, personally, blame Twitter for robbing me of blog topics.

    But you have a point, sometimes writing so much about life gives you no life to write about.


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