• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • I need to make new friends, I need to find a best friend.

    I have friends but I've realized that I am none of their best friends. When I realized this about my oldest friend, I was inclined to feel hurt, but I wasn't - just cause we've been friends FOREVER doesn't make us best friends - we have different interests, her best friend shares more of her interests.

    When I think of all my friends and contemplate each of their circles of friends, there is not one I want to become a bigger part of, no acquaintances that make me think, "I should get to know her/him better."

    So how, as an adult, with a busy work and family life and many solitary interests, do I make new friends???


    Anonymous said...

    OH MY GOD I was just thinking this about myself. My friends are definitely not my friends. I need to find a way to be better friends with the people who actually are. Even a coffee buddy would be nice to have.

    I've been in denial about my non-friend friends for a long time.

    Anonymous said...

    I hear ya. I had a falling out with my best friend a couple of years ago, and while it's all fine now, the friendship just isn't the same.

    I realise it's because we're both at completely different places in our lives and our friendship just isn't as relevant as it once was.

    Taking a class, doing volunteer work or trying to meet new people from work may be helpful.

    Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

    I just came to a similar realization about long time friends. Just because we have been friends for the last fifteen years doesn't mean we are best friends. And I have finally become confident enough in myself to let a couple of friendships go. Not that I told them off or anything, I just stopped being the one to initiate conversations. So many of my friendships were parasitic in nature and I am already feeling better for the decision!


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