• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • My best friend is angry with me.  I’ve apologised (and a heartfelt one too, not just a lip service apology because I felt I had to) and I feel genuinely remorseful for upsetting her.  The thing is, she just won’t talk to me.  I feel almost as though I’m being further punished for not apologising in the way she felt was needed or that there’s something else she’s cross about that I just don’t know.  I’m so painfully sad – it’s like there’s a little hole in my heart, but at the same time, I’m starting to get a bit fed up.  We’re adults – why can’t we just talk about it, like adults?  We’ve been friends for 16 years.  Surely we can work it out… I hope.  I miss her. 


    Megan said...

    Oh, man. I'm really sorry that you're going through this.

    Demosthenes said...

    I felt like this for a long time after my ex and I broke up - he was my best friend in the entire world whom I loved more than anyone else, and I lost the friend along with the boyfriend. I hoped and schemed and begged to keep our friendship (if not our doomed relationship), but it never happened. I thought similarly to you, too - we're adults, right? We've known each other for six years, right? We should be able to get along even after a breakup! ...right?

    Eventually, I got completely fed up that it would never happen and gave up. I realized I didn't want to be friends with someone who didn't want to be friendly in return. I hope that doesn't happen to you and that everything works out, but there's also the chance that the friendship is running aground.

    Do what you can, of course, but you can only affect your own actions and decisions, not hers. Losing a friend is the suckiest think that can happen. I'm terribly sorry, and I'll be thinking of you.

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks Megan... my girlfriends and husband have been super, so I do count myself very lucky still!

    Demosthenes - thank you so much for your wise words. My hubs says the same thing about my actions and decisions, so you're in excellent company in your sound advice! It is sucky though - no way around that.

    You guys are all so very awesome.

    Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

    I hope that your friendship survives this little setback. Maybe with just a bit of time, your friend will realize that the past 16 years is not worth throwing away.

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you - I hope so too. I've emailed her today (after more reflection) - I'm sitting on pins and needles, hoping I hear from her, but at the same time I feel lighter...


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