• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • I'm putting myself in a time out.

    I normally reserve time out for my kids, but i'm actually feeling
    like a child myself right now. I want to scream, I want to throw
    myself to the floor and kick my legs, throw my arms, and do what
    every other child does to seemly get out all of their frustration.
    My kids are driving me insane, just listening to my husband talk
    drives me up the wall, and I currently have the patience of a three
    year old. The reason for my regression to the 'terrible twos'
    attitude? I don't even know. I'm frustrated with the state that my
    life is in right, and frustrated that I don't seem to have any
    control whatsoever over my immediate future. Someone else right now
    is getting to decide the path that my life is going to take over the
    next couple of years, and they seem to be taking their sweet-assed
    time telling me their decision. Maybe that's why I feel so much like
    a child....in essence, i'm getting treated like one.

    I'm an educated women, I make good decisions, and have done well with
    my life....yes, it has taken a different turn than I thought it
    would, but overall I think I have made good choices. So I hate the
    feeling of being out of control, and someone who doesn't know me from
    a hole in the wall has it all.

    So, i'm going to stomp around, i'm going to cry, i'm going to lay on
    the floor in the middle of the room and refuse to pick up my
    toys....well, that is, until the kids wake up from their nap and I
    have to put my 'adult' face back on.



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