• Welcome

    This is our corner of the Internet. We're happy here. We're definitely "we" -- this blog is a group project. We all post as "My Own". This is where we write the things we can't say on our own blogs for one reason or another. We hope you like it here as much as we do. We hope you'll stick around.


  • Over the weekend, I heard these two stories.  These are true stories. I could never post them on my blog because I find one of them funny and the other I agree with.  Due to the content, if people knew I found story #1 funny and agreed with #2, I would probably be tarred and feathered.  I think I'm safe here, though.  Thanks goodness for this blog.

    Story #1

    A woman recieves a phone call at work from her son.  "MOM!  MOM!  I caught a troll!  I caught a troll!  Come and see!  He's going to spin gold for us!  We're going to be rich!"

    "What are you talking about?" the mother responded.  As it turns out, the son is 30 yrs old and has autism (or some other congnitive delay) coupled with bi-polar disorder.  He's been on his own his whole adult life and maintains an appartment on his own.  The mother checks in on him first thing in the AM and again after she finishes work.  He does not pose a threat to himself or others in anyway.  It is not uncommon for him to call and say unusal things since his view of the world is a bit different than others. 

    "Come and see!  Come and see!  I caught a troll.  He's going to spin gold for us.  We're going to be rich!" 

    "I'm at work right now.  I can't come over.  I'll be there at 5 pm after I'm done work." 

    But the phone calls did not stop.  The son called repeatedly.  By late afternoon, the mother gave up and asked her boss if she could leave to tend to her son.  Her boss had no issue letting her go home early.

    When she arrived at her son's appartment, he lead her into his bedroom.  He was very excited.  She saw that the bed and dresser were pushed up against the closet doors.  She heard some movement in the closet.

    Upon opening the closet door, she discovered a little person cringing in the corner of the closet....just scared shitless.  Poor bugger.  He'd been there for over 4 hours.  Locked in the closet.  With no food.  No water.  No bathroom.  And the whole while he was kept captive he had to listen to the excited screams and ravings of a burly 30 yr old man saying, "The troll will spin us some gold!  We're going to be rich!"

    The mother released the little person and after some discussion, she got the story.  The little person was a Jahova's Witness doing his daily rounds of spreading the word.  When he knock on her son's door, the son's eyes went wide.  The son, never having seen a little person before, assumed the little person was Rumplestilken.  He quickly scooped up the little person and imprisoned him.

    The little person did not press charges.  He did say that he will never do his rounds again without his partner who was sick that day.

    Story #2

    There was a party.  Young adults were drinking.  One of the guys at the party went postal on his girlfriend.  He yelled and screamed so much that the other guys at the party got between them and tried to calm the man down.  It did not help.   During his lunatic ranting, he used a rock to smash the window of his truck that the girlfriend was driving while she was sitting in the driver's seat.  He opened the door and threw her out of the truck.  He got in and drove off.  The girlfriend called the RCMP. 

    Now, here comes the good part.  The part that in public I would pretend to be horrified at hearing but secretly giving a thumbs up to the RCMP for doing this.  I could never admit this publically.

    The RCMP catch up with the guy and pull him over.  They asked him to get out of the car.  They then said, "Here's what we do to drunk drivers."  They beat the living shit out of the guy. 

    Good job RCMP!  Granted you behaving that way is very, very wrong for so many reasons but, meh... the guy needed some sense knocked into him.

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